Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Work is stressful! Arrgh!!!

I work as a receptionist in a lovely building with lovely people and I really enjoy my job. HOWEVER...

Part of my job is to oversee the security guard, now the building is open from 7am until 8pm as the staff are on flexitime so can work when they want as long as they complete their hours. I work 9am until 5pm so when I am not here the security guard is. But when I came back from honeymoon there had been a change and I was not to start on reception until 10am as the security guard had to make up an extra 5 hours as per the contract they have with my company.

Anyway, the security guards we have been given have never been very good!

There was Khan - the guy who believed he owned the building and everyone in it. He believed that because I was a women he was in charge of me and I had to be submissive to him. He was also cheating on his wife with one of the cleaners sisters and as such he and the cleaners would regularly have massive arguments in the building!

Then there was Charlie - he was an alcoholic who came into work drunk, invited his dodgy mates to hang around in reception and 'borrowed' money from the charity collection. He also brought his kids into work on a few occasions and one of those occassions one of the toilets was vandalised with poo smeared all over the walls!

Then came Abs, well he was harmless enough, bit lazy but compared to the others a saint!

Then Maha, She had just moved to england from India with her new husband and believed she shouldn't have to work. Apparently she had a degree in some kind of science I think. She was always ill and was depressed when she had to work on her birthday! I was trying to train her as she was making a few mistakes but she took offence and stopped doing anything at all!

And now we have Steve, he has been out of work probably since before I was born! He has a problem with personal hygine, his clothes always smell like he has wet himself, and he is always farting the most disgusting smells! But he is simply unable to do his job on reception!! Not a day goes by when there isn't something he does wrong Grrr

Today, for example, we have 6 visitors spaces and they were all booked. We had 3 visitors turn up unannounced, expecting a car space. Instead of him asking them to wait for 30 seconds so I can sort it out ( I sit around the corner) he lets them into the building (without an escort, which is another no no!) so I am left to pick up the pieces and sort out the mess. Fair enough, it wasn't his fault they turned up, but the way he handled the problem is his fault and it stresses me out so much!!

Hmmm, I do feel a little better now :)

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

A Wonderful Nephew

It has been onfirmed! Jo is having a boy!! I will have a nephew, how exciting!

Although I am very jealous that I have to wait 6 weeks to find out what I am having!

Friday, 24 April 2009

10 weeks pregnant!

Well I am 10 weeks pregnant :) According to my internet reading, all the baby's major organs are formed and the most critical stage is over

I managed to speak to my doctor and asked why he had said I wasn't ovulation and as such 'infertile', he simply said 'oh well we must have been taking the blood tests at the wrong point in your cycle' This made me quite angry and I was devestated, and without sounding dramatic, having suicidal thoughts with his 'infertility' crap. I wish he had just said something inconclusive like we need to do more tests so I will refer you.

I remember thinking, when I thought I was infertile, that all I have ever wanted is a family. I have never been career or achedemically minded. All I have ever wanted was to be a mum everything else came second. I was thinking that if I cannot have children then what the hell am I going to do with the rest of my life and thinking that I wouldn't care if I died as I have nothing to look forward to.

How different my life looks now!! We are so happy.

Although we did have a massive row the other night! Gavin is working really long hours at work at the moment and I am exhausted because of the pregnancy. So the house is a mess and neither of us want to cook dinner. So we had a massive row over basically nothing. But afterwards we made up by cuddling in bed.

Cuddling seems to be the only thing we do in bed right now! At first I was too scared, even though I knew my fears were silly I couldn't get past them! And now I want to but we are both to tired! Since I found out I was pregnant we have only done the deed twice! I might make a big effort at the weekend :)

Tomorrow I will find out if I am having a Niece or a Nephew! Rich and Jo are going to Baby Bond to have a gender scan, I have booked mine for 6th June. Sometimes it is really annoying being 6 weeks behind coz I want to know what I am having!

I think it is a girl but because I want a girl I think this may be wishful thinking. The trouble is a really cannot imagine having a boy!

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Pure Relief! :)

Just a quick one, I wanted to let everyone know that we saw our baby's heartbeat at the scan :D

I can't believe how happy and relaxed I feel.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Oh So Nervous...

Lets catch up on last week :)

On wednesday it was my dads birthday so we went for a chinese, by that I meant that Gavin and my dad had chinese and my mum and I had english meals! lol It was also the day that I got the text about baby Jacob. I haven't heard much else accept she says it is a lot more difficult than she expected. eek!

On Thursday I had my first Midwifes appointment, I had to answer a million questions and when you see your family history on paper you start to worry about all the problems your baby might have. In our case we have put our baby at risk of Learning Difficulties, Epilepsy, Heart Disease and blood clots. Nice. Anyway we got our pregnancy pack and went straight to Asda to pick up our Bounty pack. We then went to my parents as Gavin was doing the pub quiz with my dad. I went to bed at 8pm!

On Friday we went to Gavins mums, it was the first time we had seen her since we told her the news. She is just as excited as my mum! It is lovely to have some good news to share as his family seem to be falling apart. With Mike and Gayles seperation things are strained. The kids still dont know anything though.

On Saturday I had a lazy day at my mums, it was lovely and sunny so we sat in the garden and read. In the evening we watched Britains got Talent and I was trying to spot myself, they haven't been to Cardiff yet!

On Sunday my cousin Nicky and my Aunty Mary came to visit. Nicky is due in 9 weeks and had a lovely bump!

On Monday we went home! We cleaned the flat and watched a few movies.

Today, the reason I am so so nervous... I have my scan. I know that my fear is silly. That I would know if something was wrong. I have all the symptoms of pregnancy (aprat from sickness lol!) BUT... I am terrified that there will be no heartbeat.

It is at 4:30pm, counting the seconds.

Anyway I have done a little research and if there is a heart beat at 8 weeks (I am 8+3) then I have a 98% chance of a healthy pregnancy.

Please pray for me xxx

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Welcome Jacob!!

Just a quick post to say I just recieved a text message from Michelle.

She had a baby boy today and thinks she will call him Jacob :)

I am sure I will hear more as soon as they are all settled.

It kinda made me realise that at the end of all this a real baby will be mine. Oh wow.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Sleeping and Eating

Thats all I seem to be doing right now! Inbetween the sleeping and eating (as rare as it it!) seems punctuated with yawning and worrying!

On Saturday Gavin (DH) and I went to my brothers to get my new phone. Whoopie I have a blackberry! On a really good deal too :) £25 a month, 600 anytime any network minutes, 400 texts and unlimited net usage. I also got £120 cashback, I have even managed to save £50 of that for the baby fund! I went to Ikea and looked at the kids section and bought Gavins favourite Sweedish Meatballs, not forgetting the special gravy and the loganberry sauce! We also had a lovely lunch in Whetherspoons whilst watching the Grand National. My brother Rich won second place and I won 3rd place :) Although we actually only managed to win our money back lol!

On Sunday we went to a bootfair, we normally go to the Folly Farm one in Coleford but this time we went to the Hempstead Meadows one in Gloucester. It was smaller but had more bargains :) I got another Murder Mystery Game, this one was set in the 80's! I got Gavin a Filofax so he can stop complaning that he wants one (he ony wants one coz I have one. The difference is I actually use mine!) I got a childrens book that I used to read when I was little called the Jolly Postman and a photo fram that says 'Nana & Grandads little Angel' I am gonna put my scan pics in for my mum and dad :) Sara was also there with her 'Everything for a pound' stall! lol I think we will have to do a boot fair soon so we can clear a place for our baby to sleep :)

On sunday night Sara and I went swimming, we had been told through insider information that after 6pm on a Sunday the reception in the local gym wasn't manned and we could go straight through without having to pay! I know it is very naughty but that is what we did and we had a lovely time :) Then Gavin and I met up with her and had a few games of pool but we had to leave early coz I got really tired.

Yesterday I was too tired to cook so Gavin and I went to Frankie and Benny's, and then we went to Mothercare :) It is far too early to buy anything but it is nice to look.

Friday, 3 April 2009

7 weeks pregnant

I have been trying to upload some pictures on here but it's not working :(

Well I am now 7 weeks pregnant and in my 8th week of pregnancy! My baby is about the size of a 5p piece! Tomorrow I am going to my brothers in Cardiff, we are going to get me a blackberry! As well as going to Ikea, Mothercare and Mamas and Papas! Yay!

Everyone knows now, so much for keeping it quiet until 12 weeks. I think I always knew I wouldn't be able to!

At lunch I went into town with my friend Sara, we went into H&M and found some gorgeous baby outfits and them I spent £6 on pick and mix!! Eek!

OH and did you know... you can withdraw £5 notes from Barclays. How cool! I didn't need £5 but I withdrew it anyway.

Last night I slept for 12 hours! I feel good so far today but it is normally 3pm that I start to feel tired.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

I cannot believe how tired I am!!

Yesterday was a bad day. I was so tired, I kept making silly mistakes in work and I got quite upset. It is easy to say it the pregnancy hormones but I felt awful. Gavin (DH) picked me up from work and instead of cooking we ordered pizza (in all honesty, picking up the phone and ordering was tiring enough!) then we sat in front of the TV and went to bed at 8pm again!

Our flat is such a mess, it is really getting to me. I did a little bit of tidying this morning but still loads to do. I have no clothes to wear! They are all in the washing basket!

This morning I put the food in the slow cooker so at least I know that we will have a healthy meal tonight. It got me thinking that someone should open a healthy meal delivery service. I am not talking uber healthy but something other than pizza and burgers. Something like toad in the hole, BBQ chicken, Pasta Bake, Sausage and Mash etc. Mmmmmm Mashed Potato, I can't get enough of it at the moment :)

I did another clear blue test last night! It came out 'Pregnant 3+', so I am definitely still pregnant!