Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Valentines Day!

Well the weekend wasn't too bad. Mike arrived and he looked pathetic, I don't mean this in a mean way. His world has fallen apart and it shows. Gayle, his wife has gone back to South Africa 'to sort out her visa' but has said he only has 2-3% chance of her returning as his wife. I think she is depressed, Mike said that she has said that she feels 'Empty'. And what kind of sane women would leave her husband and kids and go to a different country miles away?

Gayle... well she is my sister in law but I have always had the feeling that she didn't like me. I always felt like I wasn't 'cool' enough to be in her gang!

Mike... such a lovely guy. He is one of the few really good men around.

We took Mike out on Valentines Day night to a few bars around Gloucester! It was such a stressful night! He had decided he was going to 'pull', egged on by DH who thought it would be good for him. Neither of them listened to my pleas that no good would come of it, and no matter what he would end up feeling guilty. And neither of them spared a thought for whoever he would pull! Thankfully he failed to pull, not due to him but maybe me cunningly taking him to a 'brilliant' club that I just couldn't seem to find in my 'drunkeness'!lol I am still not sure if he was serious about pulling but I know I didn't want to take the chance! However he is conviced that Gayle is cheating on him in SA.

Anyway enough about other people and more about me! lol
After Mike left on Sunday afternoon DH and I started out Valentines Day! He had bought me my favourite movie on Blue-Ray. 'The Notebook' he pressed play and the film started and I started crying! I cryed all through the film! I love the film so so much! I think I will read the book again, even the book makes me cry!

AF arrived at the weekend, only 10 days late! I really think that they are so irregular because of my progesterone levels. I get my blood test results on Friday and if the levels are still low then I will be refered. After a bit of internet research I have found that I will probably be put on Clomid to regulate my hormones and stimulate my ovaries but that you have an 80% chance of ovulating in 3 months and of that 80% who do ovulate only 40% get pregnant. Which means overall I have a 32% chance of getting pregnant with Clomid. They will only give you Clomid for a maximum of 6 months. Hmmmmm

I know I am getting far far ahead of myself, I always do! But I like to be prepared. When we were discussing trying for a baby I bought loads of pregnancy books. I wanted to be sure I knew everything! The sad thing is my friend Shelly who found out she was pregnant when we started trying is due in April. It breaks my heart to hear about her pregnancy.

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